Dr. Edelburg

Dr. Edelburg has been working with patients for 30 + years.

He started his journey in the 80’s as a Masseur to Reiki Master, Myofascial Therapist, Craniosacral Therapist, Guided Imagery Practitioner, Doctor of Chiropractic and Law of Attraction Mentor.

For most of these years Dr. Edelburg also studied the the “holistic triad”: mind / body / spirit philosophy of health and healing, as well as, many years of being a Law of Attraction student.

“Over the years I realized a patient’s healing success had as much to do with their emotional and spiritual health as it did physical health. These elements are forever connected, and one will always influence the others.”

“A patient’s return to health is exponentially more effective when these elements are part of  their treatment.”